Saturday, March 26, 2011

wowza, it's been a while

I don't believe that I have tried any NEW veggies, but I have consistently been eating the new ones I have tried since starting this blog.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE brussell sprouts, unfortunately, not everyone in the house enjoys them like I do :(

Oh, I DID try fried okra the other day and it sucked.

Maybe there is another way to cook it, but it was VERY mushy,  and I don't like mushy. blah.

I am going to try the endive recipe my cousin left for me.
so I'll get the stuff for it tomorrow.

I have, however, been trying new recipes :)  this has been fun :) 
I'll start sharing those here as well.......after all, it is about what I meet, right? RIGHT :)

and as stated before, it is MY blog and I can write what I choose :)
Okee dokee arichokees....bahahahaha, veggie humor.